How do your dreams change your life and the world?
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Recently I had a very
interesting discussion on Quora (you can check my profile here) about
dreams. This made me think back about my childhood and how I
haven't changed a lot when it comes to dreaming. I have always been a
huge dreamer and probably, I will always be one.
When I was a child, I
could spend a whole day just daydreaming. I have to tell you,
that even now, when I am 28, I still catch up myself daydreaming for
a pretty long time. Many times I tried to stop this, to tell myself
to stop being such a dreamer and an idealist, to have
my two feet on the ground like most of the people. At some point, I
just gave up. I was really unhappy when I was trying to stop myself
from doing what it was feeling natural to me. This made me
realize that this was just who I
was – a dreamer. This is my nature. Some people are
very pragmatic, they dream only when they sleep and never let theirs
thoughts go wild, and there are some other folks, like me, who are
just natural daydreamers. They will dream about the future,
about adventures, travels, new projects, new opportunities,
relationships and so much more (you can not even imagine).
When two years ago, I
started working closely with people who live in extreme poverty, what
stroke me was the fact that they didn't have dreams. They
don't allow themselves having dreams. They don't believe in
dreams anymore. For them, this is the shortest path to
disappointment and regret. They think this is only for
children because they are naĆÆve and they still don't know the
cruelty of the world and people. The first time when I heard
this, I felt so sorry for these people, so sad. How could you
stop dreaming? How damaged and sad could you be? How
much disappointed and desperate? For me, this is the
worst thing that could happen to someone.
Losing your ability to
have dreams is losing your faith. It is losing your soul.
I believe that no matter
what, we must continue dreaming. We must continue having faith
in miracles and in a brighter future. Dreams can change the world.
They will first change your world and then, the world around you.
Every great thing that happened had started with a thought. With a
thought that became a dream, and then, an intention.
How do dreams work?
Thought + Feeling +
Action → Belief → Intention
It all starts with a
thought. “I wish I could have that. I wish I was like that. I wish
I was there. I wish I was with this person. I wish I could achieve
this.” When you think of all the things you want to have in life,
you start having a good feeling about it. You feel happy,
enthusiastic, motivated, joyful, playful,
optimistic. You like going back to these pleasurable thoughts
because of the way they make you feel. This is what daydreaming is.
This is fantasizing. This is a very superficial stage of
dreaming. You think of all those nice things and you feel happy
about it, but you don't actually do anything to make them become a
reality. You don't put any action into it. When you do, you
have a thought, a feeling, an action (a plan)
and this becomes a belief. Now, you know that one day you will
have this. Maybe you still don't know how, but you will. You will
figure it out. Because you have the intention to do so. These
are dreams that will potentially become true.
However, you need to know
that if you only stay at the first stage of dreaming (fantasizing),
this might become dangerous at some point. You can completely
lose yourself in your dreams. You can lose touch with reality
and start living in your own world that has nothing to do with the
real one. This could have a negative impact on your life. It
can affect negatively your relationships, your work, your ability to
focus, your perception of yourself. This is an escape from the
reality. In this case, people should ask themselves where the
problem is, why they want to run away from reality, what is the thing
that they can not accept about themselves and the world. It takes a
lot of personal work and courage to answer these questions,
but it is highly important if we want to have a real happy life where
our dreams actually become true.
Dreams are the window to our soul.
There is one quote in the
movie “Arizona Dream” that really hit me the first time I
watched it : “If you want to look at someone's soul, look at
theirs dreams”. Our true dreams show us who we really are,
what we really want in life, what really matters to us, what are our
genuine desires. Very often, our soul is so well hidden deep
inside that we completely forget about it or stop paying attention to
it. In modern society, we want so badly to be like the others, to be
cool and popular, to be accepted that we fear so much
to show our true self and what we really want in life. For
many years, I was trying to convince myself that I didn't want to be
in a relationship, that I didn't want to have children, that I just
wanted to fool around and have some fun. I thought this was freedom.
I know that it may sound funny for many of you but it was actually
easier to believe that. All my friends were having this kind
of freely bohemian lifestyle and I thought that so should I. The
reality is that I just wanted to be accepted. Now, I am not
afraid anymore and I don't care if people laugh at me when I say that
I want to have a family, I want to have many children, I want to have
a loving spouse one day. Yes, I do imagine my life like that. I have
always wanted this deep inside. Unfortunately, often we feel
ashamed of our true desires. We don't want people to make fun of
us. But if we don't accept who we truly are and love ourselves, no
one will.
Your dreams show the standards you have for yourself.
If you have big dreams
for your future, you also have big standards. You have the
confidence and the faith that you can achieve your
dreams. When you have that, your dreams become goals. You know
that you deserve them to become true. You put the bar high for
what comes in your life. Everything and everyone below your
standards, is just not right for you. You know what is best for
you right now. You know what investment you need to make in
order to achieve your goals. If you want to have a successful
business, you know that you have to work a lot. Sometimes, you will
spend sleepless nights, you will not go out with your friends, but
you know that your dream is your priority right now and you
put your focus on it. If you want to find a loving and a caring
partner, you will stop chasing people who don't treat you right and
you will start looking for someone who is willing to give you what
you deserve – love and respect.
When we dream about
something and we know that we want to have it one day, that means
that we have to make some changes in our life. In order to get
something that we don't have, we need to start living a life that we
haven't lived before. Big dreams, big standards... and also, big
Dreams open the door to a new life.
This is how dreams work.
We don't dream for things that we already have, we dream about things
that we don't have, but we wish we would. If we believe that one
day our dreams can come true, we actually open the door for a world
of new opportunities and to a new life. Everything could change once
our dreams become reality. This is why we always have to ask
ourselves “Why do I want that?” “What are my motives?”.
People say “Be careful with what you dream of, it may come
true”. We need to be ready to welcome the consequences
of what we want to have or we think we want to have. You want to be
in a relationship, great! But this also means that now you are not
only thinking about yourself, you can not make decisions alone, you
can not just decide to go to another country and start a new life.
You have to make some space for another person in your world. You
want to have a successful career – you will have to work a lot,
sometimes even on weekends and until late, you will not have a lot of
free time, you will have big responsibilities and you will need to
learn how to deal with stress and anxiety. Sometimes we realize that
we didn't really want what we thought we wanted, but the only way to
understand this is by getting there, by walking the path. Often, when
this happens, it is because we had the wrong motives at first
place. We wanted the career because we wanted to have a lot of money
and power. We wanted to have a family because we were scared of being
lonely. The wrong motives never lead to happiness and fulfillment.
Dreams could be the beginning of something great.
How could you experience
something great if you have never dreamed of it? If you have never
thought about it? Everything starts with a thought, remember? With a
thought and with a belief. Your dreams will show you your true
potential. The potential you know you have but you still need
to explore and develop. Believing in your dreams makes you
believe in yourself. It shows the strength of your character.
Sometimes, people will laugh at you and will think that you are a
fool. Your dreams are a real test for you to know if you
really deserve to get what you dream of. They could be a new chapter
in your life if you believe in them. If you believe in yourself.
They are your first steps into something amazing.
Dreams give sens to life.
What is a life without
dreams, without hopes? It is sadness. It is existing
but not living. What makes life beautiful is the unknown, the
future and everything that comes along with it. Yes, sometimes, it is
not very bright but it is still worth living. Sadness and troubles
are a part of the the journey. Dreams keep us alive. They give
sens to our life. They are the little sparkle that makes the fire
light up. If you talk to a kid, you will see how many dreams they
have. All the kids, even the poor and the ill ones. They all have
dreams. They are not scared of dreaming. Their mind doesn't
know boundaries. The boundaries that adults' minds know are the
society's boundaries. What would people say? What would people think?
Am I going to be accepted? Is this stupid? These are limiting
beliefs that don't allow us to develop our true potential and
to see what is happening beyond the boundaries. How could we
know if we don't make a step forward?
Every great thing in
the world (an innovation, a discover, a research) has started with a
dream, with something that has never been done before, something that
nobody knew about it or nobody believed it was possible.
Believing in our dreams is much more than just believing in some
fairytale scenarios. It is believing in ourselves. Believing that we
can do it. We can make it work. We can go through it. We can have it.
We deserve it. Our dreams are our souls' stories. This is
how our soul is talking to us. This is how our soul is singing to us.
I believe that if we want to live a happy and a fulfilling life, we
need to listen to it. So, stay quiet for a moment. Take a deep
breath. Close your eyes. Open your heart. Dream. Feel. Believe.
Change. Love. Elena
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