10 ways you can change the world. TODAY.

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Often people think that you have to be a politician or you need to have a lot of money to make changes in the world. As it is true that politicians and people with money have big power and a huge influence on what is going on in the world, that does not necessarily mean that you and I “normal people” can not do anything to change the world and the society. Actually, we can do a lot!

I strongly believe that any change starts first from within. If one person starts changing into a better version of himself, this is already something big. If another one starts also changing into a better person, it is even bigger. If everyone tries to become better than they were yesterday – these are no longer only people who are changing, but the world itself is changing! It sounds pretty logical to me – we, the people, live in this society which was built from us. We can not change the the world and the society (the results of our existence) without first changing ourselves (the reason for the society to exist as it is right now).

People often say that something is going very wrong with the world nowadays. And they are completely right! I will only precise that something is going very wrong with the people, the world is just a result of what we, the people, did and of what we became so far. The problems of today's society come from the people, not from the nature, the Sun or the sky. So, in order to make a change in the world, let's first start from our ”personal garden”.

How do we do it? By taking small steps and actions every single day. All of them are completely free, because they are based on the choices that we make. As you may already know, I believe that in order to become a better person, we have to start making conscious choices and decisions. So don't worry, you don't have to pay anything to change the world! It is all free!

Why do I talk so much about conscious choices and decisions? This is actually one of the goals of my blog – to show you that by thinking and questioning ourselves, we end up knowing better who we are, knowing better the world and growing as people, being capable to make our own choices and decisions based on our true and authentic personal values and believes.

The thing is that in our society, the one that WE built, we have many choices. Too many! It is very disturbing and it is easy to feel lost and distracted and to lose yourself in this ocean of choices. We have millions of versions of “things” - shoes, t-shirts, cars, computers, phones, bags and they are all better than the other one. People want to buy a bigger house, bigger than yours or the neighbor's one. We are constantly “buying” something new. We consume more than ever before. We eat too much, we drink too much, we smoke and take drugs. People even think that if you don't do it, you are “boring”. The society tells us that we need to have a great career, to earn a lot of money, to poses luxurious stuff... We always have the feeling of missing something, missing something better. We constantly think that we don't have enough, that we are not enough. The truth is that we don't miss anything. We have everything we need. And believe me – we don't need much.

So how can a normal person with a normal life, like me and you, make a change in this world? No, you don't have to be a superhero (that would have been fun, but it is not necessary). In this article, I will share some really easy and free ways to make a difference, first in your lifestyle and then also in the world. As I said, the change starts from within. Writing this article, I realized that there are so many things one could do to make this world a better place and this is why I am going to split it in two parts. Here is the first one!
So, there you go – 10 ways you can change the world! NOW!

Be conscious about how you consume.

This is one of the most important steps to take. We live in a society that consumes a lot, too much. We always buy new things and replace the old ones. My first advice to you is buy less. Before buying something, ask yourself if you really need this or not. If you don't need it, then maybe you should not buy it. Of course, we all have some “guilty pleasures” and I don't say that you have to stop completely buying things that you like and not really need, but maybe try to reduce the amount of articles you buy.

Buying a lot of stuff makes big corporations earn more and more money and make people more addicted to consumption. As I already said, society makes you believe that you are constantly missing out on something new and something better. You don't want to be that person who is addicted to material stuff. So, try to buy less – you will save money and could invest it in something which is more useful.

Another advice is buy local products – local food, go to local fashion stores, try to buy clothing that is made in your country, the same thing applies to food, cosmetics. Yes, maybe it will be a little bit more expensive, but this is an incredible way to support small local businesses and shut the door for big supermarkets and famous cheap brands that make people in India, Thailand, China and other countries work for nothing. This is a huge business and a way to exploit people. Yes, slavery still exists! It has never stopped existing! I believe that you don't want to support that. So, look for the origin of what you buy.

I know that it is very tempting to buy cheap stuff from big stores, but know that the article you are about to buy costs sometimes more than 150% (real price) less than the price you are going to pay and someone earned 1 cent for it or even less. So, try to buy less things and ask yourself if you really need something before buying it. Try to buy local products even though they are a little more expensive – you can try cooperatives and local food and fashion stores. Try second hand shops – there you can find cheap pieces and pretty good quality products. This is also an amazing way to reuse cloths, shoes, bags and not pollute the environment with them.

Reduce the plastic use.

Do not use plastic bottles, boxes or containers anymore! I know that it is difficult. Nowadays everything comes in a plastic bag, but if you can replace it, it will be great for the planet. We all have seen some horrible documentaries and have read many articles about how a single plastic bottle can cause millions of issues for the planet. So, we all know that using plastic is not a good thing. But how can you reduce its use?

You can try to replace the plastic bags with real bags. I always carry a shopping bag. I can use it a million times, I always have it in my other bag. It is not heavy to carry, it is not expensive to buy and you can reuse it a million times, until it breaks... and even then, you can sew it.

Another tip is to carry a reusable bottle. Stop buying plastic bottles of water, carry your own one. The same thing about food. Carry your reusable container of food. Use reusable coffee cups and straws. It is the same about plastic cutlery – avoid plastic forks and knives and try to carry your own. I do it all the time. Also, when you go to the grocery store, avoid buying food in plastic package. The bonus is that often loos fruit and veggies are less expensive than pre-packeged alternatives. Another very good option is to go directly to your local market where you meet the local producers and you know that you buy good quality food. When you buy drinks like wine, beer, sodas – always go for the glass bottled version and not the plastic one.

It is not easy to completely cut the use of plastic from our lives. I still use shampoo in a plastic bottle, the same for my hand soap, cleaning products and cosmetics, but we can make small changes and reduce it. If you can replace the plastic with something else, do it! You are definitely doing something good for the planet.


Well, on this one we have many different debates – some people are for recycling, others are against. Those who are against say that people in general don't know how to recycle and at some point recycling becomes pointless. They also say that it is inconvenient, it is too hard and they don't want to put an extra effort for it or they don't have enough space in theirs homes.

We can find many reasons to not recycle, but the truth is that recycling is very important for the planet. Here's why. First, it saves energy. The producer does not have to use new resources from the nature in order to make something new. By using recycled materials, we save energy consumption.

Another very important point is that recycling preserves wildlife and nature's resources. Only paper recycling saves millions of trees. Also, recycling is good for the economy – by producing new purchases from recycled materials, we use less water and energy, we cause less pollution and less carbon goes out of it. So, this means it is also good for the climate change. It also reduces the need for landfills.

Now, what exactly can we recycle? You can recycle plastic, glass bottles, clothing, paper... In some countries, the recycling system is very well organized. You have different garbage bins for the different types of products to recycle – you have a compost where you are going to put some food, plants... any organic matter. Then, you have one bin for the paper materials, another one for the plastic, one for the glass materials, one for the metals. In some countries some of the bins are mixed and we put in the same one the metal, the plastic, the paper and the glass. So, it really depends on your country. When it comes to clothing – you can also recycle your cloths, shoes and bags. In many countries you can now find containers for these materials on the streets. Some fashion stores also offer the option to take your old clothing and recycle it.

So, yes, recycling can be difficult sometimes, but it definitely makes a difference in the world. Apart from the environmental benefits, recycling also creates jobs which is good for the economy. Also, less landfills, less taxes. Landfill sites are taxed and recycling minimize theirs costs to a great extent. In order to reduce the pollution of the environment and cut down the energy production, recycling is a very important step to take.

Use the public transport, take a bike or walk.

Nowadays almost everybody has their own car, some people have even more than one. You can imagine that these are too many cars and too much bad gas going out in the air. It is true that sometimes taking the public transport can be shitty (too many people, too crowded, you don't have a place to sit and so on), but at the same time it is a great way to reduce CO2 emissions. Nowadays, you have electric and biodiesel buses. The last ones for example, run actually cleaner than petrochemical diesel. Even diesel buses are better than taking a car. One bus can transport around 50 or maybe even more people!

Also, very often, public transport (metro, trains) can be way faster than a car. When you are by car, you often get stuck in traffic jams, especially in rush hours. With public transport, you don't have this problem. Also, you don't have to pay for a parking lot. However, if you really need to take a car to go somewhere, you can car-pool. Now you have websites like blablacar.com where you can find other fellas going to the same place as you and share a car. You chat, you meet new people and you reach your destination. Isn't it great?

Another alternative is biking. In most of the big cities you have public bikes. They are not expensive and in a sunny day it is an amazing way to go to work, to the grocery store or anywhere else. And at the same time, you are working out! This is a win!

And finally, my favorite alternative is walking. I know that we live in big cities and we are constantly running out of time, but sometimes going out and walking, looking at the people, at the trees, even at the buildings can be really relaxing. Taking your time and not rushing. After a long day, that could feel really really good.

So, long story short - if you can go out of your house at least once or twice per week without taking your car, you are investing in your well-being and in the planet's health.

Pay attention on the water and on the food you waste.

Another very important thing is not wasting too much water and not throwing away your food. For many people who live in Western develop countries water is something that we take for granted. Unfortunately, for many people this is an every-day struggle. The truth is that we don't have enough water for everybody on the planet. There are many reasons for that – climate change, more population on the Earth... So, not wasting water is very important. Yes, long showers are cool, but we waste way too much water. Do you know how much water we waste while brushing our teeth, flashing the toilet, washing the dishes or the veggies? A lot! Be conscious about the fact that for some people having water to drink is a struggle, and maybe it would be soon for us as well.

Another thing that I really hate and can't understand why some people do it, is throwing away food. Every day we throw away tons of food that could be eaten. Knowing that and knowing that some people are starving, I really think that something is messed up. Do you know that the food we could buy on a plane and we don't, is thrown away immediately after the flight! This is insane! It is the same thing with supermarkets and the food they get rid of and it is still eatable. So, every time you think of throwing away some food, think that you have the incredible chance to live in a country where you can (unfortunately) do it, you have the choice and you can afford it. Many people can not. They don't have the choice of eating or not. For them, some days they eat enough, some days they eat less and some days they don't eat at all and it's not because they are on a diet. So, get clear about how other people live on the planet (and also in your own country, there are starving people everywhere) and stop wasting your money and the environment's resources.


This is another great way to make a change in the world and it is also free. It needs a little bit of time and a good will... and that's it. As you may already know, I work for an NGO, I work with many volunteers, I love volunteering and I truly believe this is an amazing way to change the world and also to change ourselves. If you want to read more about my experience with NGOs, how it transformed my whole life, why I think it makes you become a better person and how to choose an NGO, if you want to become a volunteer or make a donation, check out these articles :

Do not stop learning!

This is something that everybody should do on a personal level. Do not stop learning! Always learn! Read books, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, watch TED talks, watch good movies... be curious! Do not stop being curious about what is going on in the world, why something is happening, why this is like this and not like that, do not stop asking the question “Why?”. Always be intellectually curious! About everything! Listen to what people say. Listen to everybody. No matter their background, their degree (if they have one), their job or social status. You can learn something from EVERYBODY! I work with people living in extreme poverty. Most of them don't even know how to read or write. But I am so fascinated how much I have learned and I am still learning about life and about myself with them. So, do not underestimate anyone because everybody is a teacher in some ways. Be curious and do not be ashamed to ask questions.

Have an opinion and express it!

It is very important to have a strong opinion about something and to express it. Do not be afraid to say what you think. You never know, but maybe you can change someone's life this way. You give others a different point of view which is very enriching. Do not be scared of debates and polemics – this is an incredible way to learn new things and to enlarge your knowledge about a topic.

Sometimes people don't dare to say what they think because they are scared of saying something stupid or that everybody is going to laugh at them. Me too, I have this fear sometimes. But it is silly to be afraid of those kind of things. As I said in the previous step – do not be scared of asking questions. Not knowing something is normal. We are all here to learn. And yes, maybe some people will laugh if you don't know that the capital of France is Paris, but this small fact does not define you as a person. You definitely know many other things that the majority of people don't know.

So, do not be scared of saying what you think. Every opinion is important!

Meditate and/or pray.

Studies show that meditation and praying are very helpful for the mind and people's well-being. They calm you down, make you become more focused, connect you to your deepest dreams and fears. So, whether you believe in God or not, praying or meditation are very powerful tools that you can use on your way to become a better person. Saying positive affirmations during a meditation makes you feel better about yourself and the world. Praying is also a great way to accept the reality as it is and believe that the universe will bring into your life the best people and situations to overcome obstacles and to achieve your goals.

You can do it once or twice per day, depending on your preferences and the time you have. I like meditating for around 30 minutes before going to bed. This is an internal work and it is true that you are not going to see the results in the outside world, but you are going to see them in yourself. And as you know, every change starts from within. If you want to see a change in the world, start by changing yourself.

Love. Be kind. Be grateful.

This is my favorite part, maybe because is the most obvious one – in order to change the world, try to become a better person. Be better than the person you were yesterday. Do not be too hard on yourself and remember that you are a great human being who can achieve great things.

Love. Love the people you meet, love the world, love yourself. Sometimes it is hard to love people, especially when they hurt you, but love them anyway. You do it for yourself. You don't want to keep bad feelings because it becomes poisonous for your soul. So love, love, love. Give love, receive love, spread love, do what you do with love!

Be kind to people. No one deserves to be treated in a bad way. And we, as people, don't have the right to treat anyone badly. So, be kind to people, even if it is hard sometimes, even if someone treats you bad, still try to be kind to this person. They are probably hurt and this is why they want to hurt others. Your job is not to know the reason for theirs actions, but to be kind and to give them love. So, be kind to your coworkers, to your neighbors, to your family... and most important – be kind to yourself!

Be grateful. Be grateful for everything that you have, no matter how little you think it is. It could always be worse. Be grateful for the people you have in your life, even those who made you suffer because they made you grow as a person. Be grateful for the water you drink, the air you breath, the food you eat, the electricity you have. For us, these are basic things that we take for granted, but for many people this is an every-day need. Nothing should be taken for granted in this life. Really. Nothing and no one!

So, there you go. You have 10 easy and free ways to make this world a better place. Stay tuned for the second part, coming next week. Until then – be conscious, be curious, be grateful, be kind, pray, smile, love and do not forget to have fun! Love, Elena

You can now check the second part of this post here : 10 ways you can change the world. Today. Part 2


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