A letter to my future self.

Photo by Evie Shaffer on Unsplash

I have a practice, a tradition or even a ritual that I have been following very strictly for years now. In the beginning of every new year, I write a letter to my future self. To the Elena that I am going to be next year, on the same date reading the letter I am writing now. Once I write the letter, I never look back at it until next year. I find this, I will call it a ritual, very helpful reminding me that I have to cherish and appreciate everything that has happened during the passing year. The good, the bad, the unknown, the uncertain... What is also very interesting is that each year we find ourselves in a different state of mind and this of course reflects on what we think, on how we see the world and life, on what our hopes and beliefs are.

This year, like the last one, on New Year's Eve, I sat quietly in my room at my parents place, I took my notebook and I started reading what I wrote last year for my future/present self. I remember when I wrote this letter. It was in the beginning of January, I was on the plane back to France. It was late in the evening. Everybody was sleeping and I was just getting out of a very dark place, probably the darkest that I know until now.

On the last day of 2018 I was reading this letter. I had completely forgotten what I had written in it. I suddenly started crying. Peacefully. With joy and nostalgia. I was grateful. I was proud of myself. I remembered that I was strong and that everything happened for a reason and we could only understand it when time passes by. I was happy.

Now, I would like to share it with you. It is very personal and I do it because I believe that this is the only way to create a strong bond with someone. My personal wish for this year is to have a strong bond with the people who read my blogs, no matter if they are followers or just passengers.

I would like to encourage every person who reads this to write a letter to their future self. To never give up on theirs dreams. To never let people bring them down. To always believe that we all have the strength we need to overcome obstacles. To always be your true self and be true to yourself. To always follow your convictions. To never forget your values and beliefs. To have principles and to stick to them because this is what makes you a high value person and makes people respect you. Respect yourself first. And always. You are the most important person you will always have in your life. Give yourself some love, gratitude, compassion and respect.

I wish all of you a magical, great, healthy, faithful, dynamic, energizing and successful year.! Love, Elena


Dear Elena reading this letter a year later,

I don't know where you are, in which country and what you do but I hope that you are happy. Remember that happiness is the most important thing in the world and everybody is looking for it. Believe in yourself and in your strength. You can do anything you want to! Take care of yourself and think about the life you have always dreamed of! Work for it. Do not forget that everything goes away and the difficult times only teach us how to be stronger. I hope that 2018 was a great year for you, full of lost of happiness and success. I hope that you did at least the half of your New Year's resolutions lol. If not, do not judge yourself! Everything happens when the time is right, when we are ready for it. Appreciate and cherish the people in your life and be grateful that you have them. Be also grateful for those who don't love you. They are your best teachers and they make you become a better person. And finally, have fun! Yes, have fun! Don't stop laughing! Life is amazing!


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