About this Blog

Photo by Khurt Williams on Unsplash

I created this blog so I could share my thoughts and opinions on different topics I am passionated about - traveling, health, food, social problems, volunteering, relationships, personal growth. I would be very glad if this website could be a place where anyone could share their point of view, even if it is different, weird, bizarre or whatever. Everybody has the right to have an opinion and to say it out loud to the world. I believe that the only way to learn and to evolve as people, is by learning together through our personal experiences. We are all different but by accepting one's difference, we could make this world a better place.

My name is Elena and I am a dreamer, a believer, a traveller, a volunteer, a reader, a fitness addict and last but not least Bulgarian; so sorry for the English but hey we are talking about athenticity here! :D I hope that you will enjoy reading my blog and you will feel free to share your thoughts with me.
So let's be kind to each other and enjoy the ride! Love


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